New Age Gate Module =================== by Monochrome Wench This Age Gate module is quite different to my other Age Gate module. This one uses css and javascript to hide and show the contents. This means that search engines can still index the contents of the page and still allows for static page caching. A cookie named 'newagegate' is used to allow access to the site. For anonymous users it is only used by the javascript to change css classes. If you are doing static page caching this cookie should be ignored. Newagegate has a fallback for users that don't have javascript enabled. In this case the module sets a session value for the user. Configuration ============= Configration of the New Age Gate is done via the block it adds to your blocks list. You need to add it to a region on your site. I'd suggest the content region. In the block settings you can control what the block contents of the block is, the button text and the cookie expire time. The visibility settings of the New Age Gate block is used to determine what pages should be age gated. Pages that the New Age Gate block is on will be age gated. Pages the block does not appear on will not. Allowing users to view a terms and conditions page or the user-login page may be something you'd want to allow by setting the block not to appear on those pages. New Age Gate also adds an additional setting to all of the other blocks. Each block will have a new visibility setting on whether it should be shown when the New Age Gate block is visible. By default ALL blocks are hidden.