Feb 042014

Finally I’ve gotten the site back up and running.

  2 Responses to “I’m back”

  1. blarg bein a creep blarg.

    Any chance of catching up one day? Last time I talked to you I was wasted and I don’t really remember what I said.

  2. Hello,

    I found some broken links, resp. missing pages under old/.
    It is not possible to view:
    http://wenchy.net/old/enforcer/ (403)
    http://wenchy.net/old/6000/ (403)
    http://wenchy.net/old/darkviewer.html (404)
    http://wenchy.net/old/spoon/ (403)
    http://wenchy.net/old/darkview.html (404)
    http://wenchy.net/old/aa4h.html (404)
    http://wenchy.net/old/hnfdrcer.html (404)
    http://wenchy.net/old/m52i1al.html (404)

    Thanks for fixing them.

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